Jacobson named Geographic Teacher of the Year

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
Terrille Jacobson, a fourth grade teacher at Alexander Elementary School, was awarded the Teacher of the Year Award by the North Dakota Geographic Alliance.
The North Dakota Geographic Alliance (NDGA) was established in 1991. It is a statewide partnership between university-based learning and K-12 classrooms that focuses on geography and making it accessible to students of all ages.
One of the goals of the NDGA is to support the teaching and learning of geography in the classrooms of the state, and to promote the quality of geographical education provided to students.
As part of its goal, the NDGA provides educators with professional development and training opportunities. It also provides teachers with resources necessary for more effective geographic learning. It is funded through an endowment from National Geographic Magazine housed at Minot State University .
Jacobson was nominated by a member of the NDGA board. Jeffrey Beck, the NDGA coordinator, said, “Terrille has done a great job of implementing Alliance sponsored curriculum in her classroom. I was excited to hear her nomination because I have gotten to know Terrille over the years I have been the NDGA state coordinator and seen firsthand her interest in geography and its teaching.”
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