Honstein chosen as McKenzie County Farmer’s Heart of Gold

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
“But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
Matthew 6:3-4 NIV.
If silent moves produce loud results, Mark Honstein is someone who has surely made a lot of them. His endless pursuit to look out for, and help others under the radar has earned Honstein the 2022 McKenzie County Farmer ‘Heart of Gold’ award.
According to Bakken Oil Rush Ministry Executive Director Melanie Smith, Honstein is the epitome of Matthew 6:3-4.
“His motivation is to help people live better lives,” she says. “It was not shortly after I moved here that I met him. Ever since I’ve known him, he has been finding ways to serve so many people in the community. He never expects anything in return and often serves people behind the scenes where most aren’t aware.”
Honstein’s dedication to his community knows no bounds, which is precisely why Smith felt compelled to nominate him.
“I have seen Mark spend hours filling and delivering sandbags to organizations in danger of flooding. He has worked late into the night making sure those out on the streets have a safe place to sleep at night and a warm meal for nourishment. He also has the amazing super-power of ‘always showing up,’” she says.
Back in the days when Jim Konsor, founder of Bakken Oil Rush Ministry was overlooking the organization, Smith says Honstein was often showing up to help Konsor move furniture for people in need.
“The thing I admire and appreciate the most about Mark though, is his ability and availability to be a good friend and an incredible listener, without any hint of judgement. He truly cares for the souls of people and he never passes on an opportunity to find out how people he meets and visits with each day are really doing on the inside, not just what they are showing on the outside,” she says.
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