Homecoming candidates named at Watford City High

By Farmer Staff
Watford City High School students have definitely caught the “Wolves” spirit this week as the school is in the midst of its Homecoming activities.
So far this week, students have participated in daily dress-up themes of Pajama Day on Monday, while on Tuesday it was Cowboy versus Country Club with students encouraged to wear either a cowboy hat or a hat with a golf logo. Wednesday is Superhero versus Villain Day and on Thursday students are being asked to participate in Decade Day. Friday, of course, will be Maroon and White Day with students sporting their school colors.
In addition, the students also participated in a variety of events such as a guys volleyball game, a Powder Puff football game, and a Homecoming Court Candidate Feud.
The week-long activities will culminate on Friday when the new Homecoming Royalty is crowned during the coronation program, which begins at 3 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. Following the coronation, there will be a parade down Watford City’s Main Street at 4 p.m.
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