Head Start program coming to Watford
By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
For the first time in the community’s history, this fall Watford City parents will have access to a Head Start program for preschool-age children. The launch of the new program is the culmination of over a year of work by McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 administrators who began looking at preschool options, especially for low-income families who did not have access to affordable preschool opportunities, in early 2017.
“It’s important that we have options for the lower economic status students,” says Steve Holen, district superintendent.
And when the preschool discussion began this past fall, Holen says that the school board’s major concern was access of service for those unable to afford current preschool options. And at that time, the district began exploring the option of creating a Head Start program.
Head Start, according to Holen, provides no-cost preschool to the families that fall within the guidelines of the federal poverty level.
“It’s an asset to the community and our school district to have access to Head Start services in our community,” states Holen.
In order to bring the Head Start program to Watford City, Holen says that the school district worked with the Williston Head Start program.
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