Grant helps Watford City business train needed workforce

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
A Technical Skills Training grant from the North Dakota Department of Commerce as part of the state’s ND Smart Restart program has helped a Watford City business get back on its feet after COVID-19 and the decline in oil activity in early 2020.
During this time, Silver Fox Energy, formerly known as Silver Fox Pipeline and Facility Services in Watford City, not only experienced a decrease in business, but also found that many people were not motivated to return to work or the ones who wanted to work, did not have the skillset the company needed to complete bids.
“COVID-19 completely slowed down our industry,” says Kara Glenn, Silver Fox Energy owner and Business Development director. “Usually that time of year we would be turning in three to five bids a week. But as a result of the pandemic, we were maybe getting one a month.”
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