Giving mothers love and peace
By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
About eight years ago, Watford City looked vastly different than it does today. As the oil boom hit, with it came many families.
As husbands went to work, it wasn’t so much the adjustment of newfound motherhood that left young moms like Emily Brown longing, but more for things to do and people to see.
“You see almost everyday, there’s a new person coming to town and they’re like - ‘hey, I have little kids, what can I do?’” says Emily Brown, Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) finance and registration coordinator.
Then Brown discovered MOPS which is held on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Assembly of God Church. While the group begins in the fall with new registration and closes at the end of the school year, mothers are welcome to join at any time.
“This is such a good resource for women to come and meet other people and get connected with the community,” Brown says.
Once you get connected with the community, something more unfolds, Brown says. Suddenly, there’s many people to see, places to go and much to do.
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