Frigid temperatures, snow impacting animals

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
As winter settles in on the northern prairie, all animals face the challenges of the season, from livestock, to pet dogs and cats to stray and feral critters.
Low temperatures, wind chills and other factors certainly present a challenge to pets, said Seth Nienhueser, an associate veterinarian with the Watford City Veterinary Center.
“Some of those colder temperatures, they’re really not fit to be trying to survive outside,” he said.
A couple of horses died from hypothermia after low temperatures earlier this month, Nienhueser added, and “a fair number of cats” have come in to the clinic for frostbite to paws and toes, even losing ears and tails.
“They need medical support on those,” he said.
The vet center has also taken calls on cows sick from the weather, Nienhueser said, while not a lot of dogs have come in with weather-related afflictions.
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