Filing deadline looms for local elections
By Amy Robinson
Farmer Staff Writer
McKenzie County residents have less than a week to file for positions within county government, the cities of Watford City, Alexander and Arnegard, as well as area school boards. The deadline is April 11, 2016, by 4 p.m.
There are numerous individuals who have already submitted the required paperwork to run for the various offices. But it is not too late to still submit the required paperwork if you want to run during this year’s election.
“I encourage people who are interested to serve in public service,” said Linda Svihovec, McKenzie County auditor. “It’s a changing time in our community with the downturn, so it’s even more important now than ever before that the citizens have good representation at all levels of government. So I encourage people to get the paperwork and run for an office.”
McKenzie County
According to Svihovec, there will be three seats on the McKenzie County Board of County Commissioners up for election in 2016, as well as the Garrison Diversion Conservancy Director position. The commission seats that are up for election include Ron Anderson, Doug Nordby, and Richard Cayko. Each county commissioner position is a three to four-year term. The Garrison Diversion Conservancy Director position is a one to four-year term. Richard Cayko currently holds that position.
Those currently running for county commissioner include Doug Nordby, Richard Cayko, and Gene Veeder. Running for Garrison Diversion Conservancy District Director is Richard Cayko.
City of Alexander
Svihovec says there are several positions and seats up for election for the City of Alexander including mayor, two council members, and three park board member positions. The mayor is a one to four-year term. The councilmen are two to four-year terms. And the park board members are three to four-year terms.
Currently running for mayor is Jerry Hatter. Running for council member positions is Terrille Jacobson and Richard Modine. And running for park board member positions is Luke Holen and Jamie Modine.
City of Arnegard
There are two council member positions and two park board members up for election in the City of Arnegard. The councilmen are two to four-year terms and the park board members are two to four-year terms.
It is not known at this time who is currently running for these positions.
City of Watford City
And according to Peni Peterson, Watford City auditor, there are three council member positions and two park board member positions up for election for the City of Watford City. The councilmen are three to four-year terms and the park board members are two to four-year terms.
Currently running for city council positions is Gregg Schuetze, Kenny Liebel, Charles “Chas” Neff Jr., and Matthew Beard. The City of Watford City has not received any park board petitions as of Friday, April 1.
McKenzie County Public School District #1
There is one school board position for Area #1, one school board position for Areas #2 and #3, one school board position for Areas #4 and #5, and one school board position for Area #6 in the McKenzie County School District #1. All school board positions are one to four-year terms.
The school district has currently received statements of interest from Lance Madsen for Area #1, and Heather Wisness for Area #6.
Alexander Public School District #2
There are three board member positions up for election for the Alexander Public School District, each position to serve three to four-year terms.
As of Friday, April 1, no one had submitted to run for any of the open positions.
Yellowstone School District #14
There are two board member positions up for election in the Yellowstone School District, each to serve two to four-year terms.
Currently running for a board member position is Jessica Cayko.
To run for any of the county, city, or school district offices, interested persons will need to get the necessary paperwork. The filing deadline is April 11, at 4 p.m.
“If anyone has questions about the required forms, please contact the county auditor’s office,” says Svihovec. “I’m happy to help people work through that paperwork and answer any of their questions.”
The required paperwork for all of the county, city, and school district positions is available at the county auditor’s office, the respective city offices, or they are available online at the Secretary of State’s website, under the election tab.
And according to Svihovec, the 2016 McKenzie County precincts have not changed this year. The McKenzie County Commissioners recently voted to keep the precincts the same.