Farmer staff wins 44 awards in NDNA Better Newspaper Contest

The McKenzie County Farmer received 44 awards in news reporting, advertising and photography, including a first place in Overall Design Excellence in the North Dakota Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest. The awards were presented during the 136th annual North Dakota Newspaper Association’s annual convention this past weekend in Bismarck.
“I am extremely proud of our entire staff on their efforts to make the McKenzie County Farmer one of the best weekly newspapers in North Dakota,” stated Neal A. Shipman, Farmer editor, “To earn as many awards as we did in all of the categories speaks volumes on the professionalism of our staff.”
Overall, the McKenzie County Farmer staff received 28 awards in the news and photography categories and 16 in the advertising category. Competing in the largest weekly category, Farmer staff members won seven firsts, 11 seconds, 14 thirds and 12 Honorable Mentions.