December 4, 2013

Drovdal decides not to seek re-election as District 39 Rep.

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

After serving as one of two representatives serving District 39 in the North Dakota House of Representatives, David Drovdal (R) of Arnegard has decided that he has served long enough and will not be seeking re-election.
“In 1992, several citizens from the newly-reorganized District 39 asked if I would consider running for the office of Representative,” states Drovdal. “After more consideration than many of you might imagine, I accepted the challenge and threw my hat into the ring. What I thought would be two terms, or a four-year challenge, has turned into a 22-year adventure.”
During his 22-year tenure as a District 39 legislator, Drovdal was involved in many oil and gas issues, as well as major tax issues brought before the state Legislature.
“I was part of the group that worked on the Legacy Fund and the Tobacco Settlement,” states Drovdal. “I believe that my input helped make a difference in both of these pieces of legislation and I was proud of what I was able to do not only for the citizens of McKenzie County but for all state residents.”
Drovdal also served as the Speaker of the House in the 2011 legislative session and he considers that to be among the high points of his political career.
“I enjoyed serving in the North Dakota House of Representatives and representing the people of District 39,” states Drovdal. “But the time has come for me to step aside and let someone new have a chance to serve.”
According to Drovdal, the long days and intensity of the legislative session is what finally made him realize that it was time to step aside.
“After the last session, I was so worn out and tired,” states Drovdal. “I just don’t think that I had it in me to do it again. But it has been an honor and privilege to represent the hard-working and diversified citizens of this district and state. Thank you seems like so little to say to all the supporters over the years, but it comes from the bottom of my heart.”
With Drovdal’s announcement that he will not be seeking another term, he says it will be up to the District 39 Republican Party to find a replacement to run in the 2014 Election.
“The District 39 Republicans will be holding their district nominating convention in the first part of April,” states Drovdal. “The person that the district Republicans nominate will then have to win in the General Election to serve in the upcoming session.”
Drovdal’s term runs until Dec. 1, 2014, at which time a new representative will be sworn in.