Dogs on the Deck to become a summer hit

By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
You may have noticed that the Long X Liquor Store had a heavier stream of people last Thursday, May 13, as it hosted its first Dogs on the Deck event. This summer, local residents can anticipate more of where that came from as the food-filled, festive event will continue every Thursday through July, with weekly proceeds going to different non-profit organizations.
“The turnout was amazing. It was better than we expected,” says LeeAnn Brown, Long X Liquor Store general manager.
After being under COVID-19 restrictions for so long, Brown says it’s a great way to kick off the summer.
“We started this event to get people together and get them out,” says Brown. “Our other purpose is to bring awareness to other non-profit organizations that need money.”
Brown says the profits from the event will go to a different non-profit organization every week.