March 30, 2021

COVID brought unique challenges to McKenzie County healthcare

COVID brought unique challenges to McKenzie County healthcare

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor

When the COVID-19 pandemic began turning the world upside down in March of 2020, like the rest of the country and the world it was the start of a new way of dealing with healthcare and patients at the McKenzie County Healthcare Systems, Inc. (MCHS). But according to Patsy Levang, board of trustees chairman, the healthcare system emerged stronger and better following the yearlong pandemic.
“We protected our most vulnerable - the residents of the Good Shepherd Home and the Horizon Assisted Living,” stated Levang, during the healthcare systems annual meeting on Thursday, March 25. “No lives were lost in our long-term care facility. It took tremendous effort on the part of the entire team - administration, staff, medical providers and our residents to make each other safe and carry each other through to meet this goal.”

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