County tax statements are in the mail
By Ashleigh Plemper
Farmer Staff Writer
The majority of McKenzie County residents and commercial businesses will not see much of a change in their county taxes this year.
“This year we levied 17.95 mills and last year we levied 17.94 mills,” says Erica Johnsrud, McKenzie County auditor/treasurer.
According to Johnsrud, things have essentially remained unchanged.
The 0.1 mill rise only accounts for the county portion, not including the mill levies for cities, school districts, townships, and other taxing entities in the county.
“If the value of a home goes up, the taxes will only decrease if there’s a decrease in the number of mills against that property,” says Johnsrud.
Therefore, if your property value stayed the same, your taxes should follow, all because of the mill levies. But if your property value went up, expect to see a slight increase in taxes.
Johnsrud says that pipelines in McKenzie County account for more than half of the county’s tax collections at 54 percent, while commercial property owners pay around 30 percent of the county’s property tax collections.
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