County looks to collaborate Ag Chemical Disposal with HHW
Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
The McKenzie County Landfill has begun preparing for an Agricultural Chemical Disposal event to run concurrently with the annual hazardous household waste (HHW) event. Rick Shreiber, director of the McKenzie County Landfill, explained, “Chairman Lawlar asked a while ago to look into doing a collaborative event this year to not only do the HHW event, but to pull in something where we can grab pesticides and some of the agricultural pesticides, fertilizers, and things like that [that may be sitting around the county.]”
Board of County Commissioners Chairman Howdy Lawlar explained that he has had constituents call expressing interest in an event where they could dispose of unlabeled chemicals During an agricultural meeting and it was brought to Lawlar’s attention that there was interest from a number of people who would like an opportunity to dispose of ag chemicals that they no longer need.
At that time, Lawlar reached out to Schreiber and asked about the feasibility of holding an event for agricultural fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemical agents.
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