Community weighs in on city's future development

Kristen Jones
Special to The Farmer
Watford City recently conducted an online survey regarding the future trajectory that citizens want to see for the development of key areas of the city. There were over 800 responses to the online survey, representing approximately 10 percent of the city’s population.
During a presentation of the data to the McKenzie County Board of Commissioners on Oct. 15, Marty Dahl, a representative of AE2S Communications described the survey, saying, “The goal of this survey is redevelopment visioning for some of the under-utilized parcels within the bounds of Watford City.”
The survey addressed two areas on Main Street, as well as the Old Fairgrounds.
Overall, the survey responses showed that the citizens feel there is a significant need for single family housing, increased shopping opportunities, and greater entertainment options.
As part of the survey analysis, AE2S Communications identified sectors of the economy where there is “significant commercial leakage,” meaning sectors where all the money spent is being spent outside of the city. Some of these areas that were identified are sporting goods, motor sports, and entertainment options.
There was a large interest in diversifying the retail options available, with an emphasis on the ownership of retail stores. Some of the areas that were recommended for retail growth included clothing stores, jewelry stores, appliance stores, furniture stores, and sporting goods.
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