Commission questioned on alleged illegal reimbursements

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer
McKenzie County commissioners and Auditor/Treasurer Linda Svihovec faced questions of alleged illegal reimbursements with county money as Sam Meuchel presented public records documenting those charges at commissioners’ Tuesday, Dec. 6, meeting.
“These packets contain vouchers that I’d like to discuss ... in regards to (suspended Sheriff) Gary Schwartzenberger,” Meuchel said as a handful of people distributed the packets to meeting attendants.
The claim vouchers and receipts, which Sam and Tami Meuchel later said they obtained as they are public records, showed meals in excess of per diem allowance and within the county, which Sam Meuchel alleged North Dakota Century Code does not allow.
Meuchel also questioned a 2014 meal and meeting at Teddy’s Residential Suites that he alleged was likely illegal due to who attended, an apparent lack of notice and the reimbursement Svihovec received.
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