May 23, 2017

Commission appoints internally for auditor/treasurer

By Jack Dura
Farmer Staff Writer

Erica Johnsrud will be McKenzie County’s next auditor/treasurer, while her predecessor may be tapped for consultation, given Johnsrud’s inexperience with accounting.
County commissioners whittled a field of nine candidates down to three, including 16-year certified public accountant Marsha Kittleson, controller Maureen Horak and Johnsrud, who is McKenzie County’s deputy auditor. All three interviewed at commissioners’ May 16 meeting.
After Commissioner Kathy Skarda’s motion to appoint Kittleson failed in a 2-3 vote, Commissioner Gene Veeder motioned to appoint Johnsrud, which passed 3-2, Skarda and Commissioner Tom McCabe dissenting.
“I am humbled and honored to have been appointed to fill McKenzie County’s auditor/treasurer term by the board of county commissioners,” Johnsrud said. “I look forward to fulfilling the duties of the office and serving the citizens of McKenzie County in this expanded role.”
Veeder and commissioners Vawnita Best and Douglas Nordby praised Johnsrud’s loyalty and work with other county employees.
Skarda lauded Kittleson’s experience and expertise while McCabe expressed concerns for Johnsrud’s inexperience compared to that of Kittleson while also broaching a perceived conflict.
“One thing I have a hard time getting around is she’s married to the state’s attorney that we have appointed,” he said. “We have a married couple with the two most powerful positions in local government.”

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