City Parks offer a summer full of fun
By Tina Foreman
Farmer Staff Writer
With school out for the summer, many parents have found that they are looking for things to keep their kids busy and the Watford City Park Board may have just the thing.
The summer is a great time for kids to get away from the schedule of school and unwind. But after months of planned activities, even though they will never admit it, during the summer most students miss the structure of school and their friends. Which is why the Watford City Park Board is excited to announce a new Summer Recreation Program.
“The Summer Recreation Program is a great way for kids to learn new activities and meet new people, especially for kids that are new to the community,” says Kara Johnsrud, Summer Recreation coordinator. “The program is filled with activities for students with all interests, and it’s a really great way for kids to make new friends before the new school year starts.”
The summer programs will be filled with opportunities for students to learn new things like the fundamentals of football and volleyball or line dancing, all while having fun with their friends.
Most of the programs are for elementary school students with a few programs scheduled for older students, but the program is looking for high school student volunteers to help out with the different programs.
Volunteers are an essential part of making the summer program a success.
Summer activities include more traditional sessions like T-ball, Pee Wee Baseball, Sand Volleyball, Football Camp, Basketball, Swimming Lessons and Youth Excursions. But they also include some unusual summer activities, like Street Hockey, Indoor Volleyball, Girl’s Day at Monjores, Line Dancing, Survivor Camp, Youth Fitness Challenge, Kids Day in the Park and Cheer Time.
New to the program this year is Cheer Time. Pom-Poms will be provided as participants learn the best cheers to lead their team and fans in spirit. Cheer Time begins in August for grades one and up. Students will have the chance to cheer at some home football games.
Street Hockey will be a great time for hockey players to have fun and keep up their game during the summer. But, you don’t have to be a hockey player to join in the fun. No skates are required and all of the necessary equipment will be provided, along with instruction on the rules and fundamentals of the game. Sessions begin with first graders and go up to the seventh grade. Students will be divided into age groups by the grade they are entering this fall.
At Monjores they know girls just wanna have fun, and that’s why they’ve volunteered their time to give girls an afternoon of girl time at the spa.
Some activities included in Survivor Camp include archery, air gun shooting, dutch oven cooking and water balloon launching. No one will be voted off the island, but your kids are sure to come home from Survivor Camp with great stories and lots of new knowledge.
Not all of the programs have a specific theme. Kids Day in the Park is a great time for kids grades one through four to do what they do best – play! Each session will include different activities and time for the kids to play with their friends.
Registration for all of the summer activities was held in May, but if you are interested in signing up, it’s not too late.
“So far, we have a lot more kids signed up than last year,” adds Johnsrud. “Although we would like to have everyone pre-register, there is still time to get signed up for activities.
Anyone interested in volunteering for the summer programs or with questions can contact Johnsrud at 701-770-8725 or check out the web site at www. under Watford City and the Parks and Recreation link.