Cities, county impose ban on discharge of fireworks

By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
The annual tradition of filling the sky with bottle rockets and fireworks may not been happening this Fourth of July holiday much to the disappointment of area youth. Due to the lack of significant rain this spring and summer, McKenzie County has placed a ban on the discharge of fireworks, as well as any open fires. In addition, the cities of Watford City, Arnegard and Alexander have indicated that they intend to follow the county’s burn ban guidelines and prohibit the discharge of fireworks this year when the fire danger is high.
“McKenzie County has been under a fire ban since this spring,” states Karolin Jappe, McKenzie County Emergency manager. “What that means is that whenever the fire danger index is at the high, very high, extreme or Red Flag level, the county’s fire ban goes into effect. And right now that ban also includes the discharge of fireworks.”
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