Chamber, EDC to hold annual meeting
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
If you want to find out what is happening in Watford City and McKenzie County in the way of economic development, then you will want to attend this year’s annual meeting of the Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce and the Watford City Economic Development Corporation.
While this year’s annual meeting, which will be held on Friday, April 13, will be heavy on socializing and interacting with others, Mary Gumke, Watford City Area Chamber of Commerce executive secretary, says speakers will also be addressing what is happening in and around Watford City.
“Lt. Governor Brent Sanford will be at this year’s meeting talking about the state’s Main Street Initiative,” states Gumke. “In addition, Watford City Mayor Justin Voll will be speaking on what is happening in the city.”
In addition, Daniel Stenberg, McKenzie County Economic Development coordinator, will be discussing the Buxton retail study, the Skills Initiative, the upcoming Bakken Oil Conference, as well as several other county topics.
“We want people to know what is happening in Watford City and what could be happening in the future,” states Gumke.
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