Candidates set for city elections
By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
While early indication was that there didn’t seem to be interest by candidates to serve as mayor or on the city council or park boards in Watford City, Arnegard and Alexander, that certainly changed by the April 9 filing deadline.
And when voters in those communities cast their votes in the June 12 election, they are going to have their choice of candidates to pick from as Watford City has three individuals seeking to serve as mayor, while in Arnegard, two candidates will appear on the ballot to lead the city.
It will be a three-way race for mayor in Watford City as Justin Johnsrud, Philip Riely and Gregg Schuetze are seeking that four-year term after Justin Voll announced that he would not be seeking re-election. In Arnegard, Jeffrey Kindel, who is currently serving as mayor, is being challenged by Virginia Elliot, former city mayor.
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