Bank employees band together to give back to the community

By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
Twice a month, the Watford City First International Bank & Trust employees have an employee meeting. At that meeting, a vote deciding which organization to donate their collective money to is often on the agenda.
Since the ’90s, the bank has had a program where employees can pay a few bucks to wear jeans on Friday. The collected money is held, and employees who have contributed can make a request to donate to people or organizations in need. The group then votes on who the recipients will be.
“We do have a cap on how much can be donated to a single organization,” says Joanne Allex, AVP Corporate Operations. “We try to make sure that funds are dispersed to a variety of needs in the community.”
First International Bank & Trust has a history of digging deep into their pockets to give back to the community. As you drive around town, you can see the parks, buildings, swimming pools, and other community ammenities that they have supported.
The jean donation, is funded and operated solely by the First International Bank & Trust employees.
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