Bakken Oil Rush Ministry here to stay
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
After almost four years of serving McKenzie County, the Bakken Oil Rush Ministry has a permanent home. In the last few months, they have become incorporated into their own non-profit, now called Bakken Oil Rush Watford City Outreach, and obtained the funds to purchase the building and land they have been renting.
Never stopping to rest, Jim and Kathie Konsor spend their days moving and organizing items, talking with people, cooking and coordinating gathering place dinners and thinking up new ways that they might be able to help those in need in McKenzie County.
“We aren’t going anywhere,” said Jim Konsor. “We made a lot of promises and said a lot of, ‘We are gonnas,’ and now we are making good on those promises.”
Jim Konsor came to McKenzie County to work in 2012. Quickly, however, he saw that his purpose in North Dakota was much different than moving scoria.
He describes the feeling in the air in Watford City at that time. He remembers hearing story after story of hopeless people moving to the Bakken with a tiny glimmer of hope. People came with little money and little support. Jim said that he felt a heaviness surrounding all of these workers trying to make a new life.
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