Bakken Area Skills Center construction on schedule

Kristen Jones
Farmer Staff Writer
The Bakken Area Skills Center (BASC) has met major construction milestones over the summer, and Steve Holen, superintendent of McKenzie County Public School District No. 1, says the project is on track to be completed around the end of year as expected.
Holen says there are no major construction items that could cause delays, “and no changes to the completion time frame exist at this point.”
Two major construction tasks that have been done over the summer are the exterior steel structure of the building and interior framing.
Work on the project site, meaning the parking areas and other land related projects are actively being worked on. Holen says the hard surfacing of the parking lots will begin on the south side, and progress around the building to the west side. The concrete for the access points into the site are also expected to be done soon.