After a difficult transition, Inman happy to call Watford City home
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
In 2013, Jamie Inman found herself in the same situation as many women did during the oil boom. She was tired of being away from her husband, Greg, who was working in the Bakken oil field but was not exactly excited to uproot her family and start a new life in Watford City. Western North Dakota seemed like this mystery place. The internet didn’t have much to say about life in the Bakken and no one she knew had any idea of it either. Despite the lack of information, Jamie had a huge decision to make.
While Greg had always worked on rig maintenance in Oklahoma, work was not consistent or adequate to support his family. His company frequently sent him to North Dakota to work on their contracts here because he was dependable and good at his job. Pretty soon, he was in North Dakota more than he was home.
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