Latest News
New retail development proposed for city
Oppidan plans to bring in Coborn’s Grocery Store, ALCO and McDonald’s as part of new development
Developer requests city off-sale license
A developer, who is planning to bring Coborn’s Grocery Store, a Little Dukes convenience store and gas station, as well an ALCO and a McDonald’s to Watford City, wants the Watford City City Council to amend its current liquor license ordinance to allow for more than one off-sale liquor license.
City, county struggle with sex offender notification
City, county to keep public informed of sex offenders
After years in the priesthood, Father John looks forward to a retirement of fishing and living close to family
DOT to present proposed bypass routes at forum
Public input meeting planned in Watford City on June 28
County zoning plans continue to develop
McKenzie County officials are continuing to develop a county-wide comprehensive zoning plan, which will include specific zoning designations and the accompanying land use plans.
New all-season restaurant opens on Lake Sakakawea
Developers have big plans for growing Watford
New subdivisions to bring housing, retail and commercial options to city
Moving on up!
Bakken propels North Dakota to No. 2 oil-producing state in the country
The McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 school board has finally come to the decision either it has to purchase housing or they are not going to be successful in recruiting and hiring new teachers or administrative staff.
Military service was a family tradition
Quale awarded Bronze Star for valor during service in Vietnam
City gives go-ahead for new developments
Watford City’s City Council, during its regular meeting on Monday, May 7, cleared the way for what could very well be the biggest summer of building development that the city has ever seen.
Watford gives food vendors 45 days to move
The battle over mobile food vendors in Watford City finally boiled over last Monday when the Watford City City Council voted 3-1 to give mobile food vendors 45 days to come into compliance with zoning ordinances, and in most cases that means relocating.
Walter Hadley, who has extensive planning experience in Idaho, has been hired as the new planner for McKenzie County .
DOT to study four-lane for U.S. 85
While an actual four-lane of U.S. Highway 85 from Watford City to Williston could very well be years in the future, the North Dakota Dept. of Transportation (NDDOT) has begun taking the initial steps of making that a reality.
Perfect seeding conditions
Early seeding in McKenzie County continues to run way ahead of last year's late start.
WAWS brings water to western North Dakota
$110 million project to provide potable water to municipal and rural residents throughout western North Dakota.
Food trucks pose new issues for city
The overwhelming demand for restaurants is not yet being met by new restaurants, but by vendors in food trucks or trailers.
The Watford City High School went into “lock-down” for minutes last Wednesday afternoon as the Watford City Police Dept., along with members of the Northwest Area Task Force and canine units from the North Dakota Highway Patrol and the Williston Police Dept., conducted a drug search of the school.
New museum exhibit showcases oil industry
Museum to house scale model of oil well site
$8 million remodel plan for elementary school unveiled
It wasn’t all that many years ago, when faced with a decade of declining enrollment, that the McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 School Board was giving very serious consideration to the closing of the Watford City Elementary School.
School District No. 1 to hire and hire . . . and hire
The McKenzie County Public School District No. 1 is looking to hire 12 teaching positions and two administration positions for the 2012-2013 school year.
Homefest gets a big makeover
Homefest is a Watford City tradition that celebrates class and family reunions, street dances and warm weather.
Officials dispute figures in latest Census estimate
City, county officials say county’s population far exceeds 7,019 estimate
County rallies behind “Pick Up the Patch”
Volunteers collect over 1,400 bags of roadside garbage
Traffic violations on the rise
Law enforcement see huge jump in number of traffic offenses
New power plant proposed in county
Basin Electric to begin construction of new $64.5 million Lonesome Creek electric generation plant west of Watford
County approves landfill expansion
With the McKenzie County Landfill quickly running out of space to put any more waste, the McKenzie County Commissioners have approved a $1,171,170 contract to expand the landfill.
Watford grows with three new annexations
City Council contemplates updating city master plan to accommodate 15,000 people