4-H integrates kids into the community
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
With a mom and dad who are 4-H enthusiasts, it’s a good thing that Luke and Paul Smith are impressed with the idea of raising and showing animals.
“4-H promotes leadership and hard work,” said Luke and Paul’s mother, Randi. “It also teaches you about winning and losing - you can work hard and still lose and that is life.”
Randi grew up showing horses in 4-H and her husband, LJ, was raised as a true cowboy. LJ’s family ranched and he showed steers at his county fair in Wyoming.
In 2013, the family moved to North Dakota for work. 4-H was a way that the Smith children started to become entrenched in the community.
Luke, age 11, and Paul, age 7, are in the Star Three 4-H group with over 30 local children. Each member of the group has been busy the last few months, preparing projects and animals to be shown at the McKenzie County Fair, which starts July 5 and runs through July 8.
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