4-H clubs, members look to expand programs
By Betsy Ryan
Farmer Staff Writer
McKenzie County’s 4-H Week is happening this week and local 4-H’ers are excited about the new things that are happening this year.
Marcia Hellandsaas said this week, that the local 4-H program is growing, new programs are being rolled out, and talk of a fairgrounds expansion is giving the 4-H program momentum.
“We recently started holding monthly hands-on projects,” said Hellandsaas. “This month we had a photography class and next month there will be training on shooting sports.”
These hands-on monthly project nights are exactly what Hellandsaas and Morgan Wisness, two of the county’s NDSU Extension agents, had in mind when they set out to work closer with local 4-H clubs.
“Our long-term goal is to grow,” said Hellandsaas. “And, we think the best way to do that is to be more hands-on, more involved, diversify our 4-H population and serve the community.”