December 23, 2024


By Scott Hennen
Host of “What’s On Your Mind?” Radio Show
 heard on the Flag Family Network including KTGO 1090AM in Watford City, Williston and Tioga, North Dakota

With a new legislative session about to kick-off in North Dakota we will soon be hearing more about important proposed legislation. Let the debates begin! I recently learned about a new proposal to return the 10 commandments to North Dakota schools. There is already a website up,, with details on the proposal. The mission of the effort is “to promote the values and teachings of the Ten Commandments in North Dakota. There is a Bill being introduced and voted on this upcoming Legislative Session that will mandate The Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom run by The State of North Dakota. In uniting families, educators, and leaders, we aim to get this Bill passed.” It also quotes relevant scripture, “Start children off on the way they should go and even when they grow old they will not turn from it (proverbs 22:6 NIV)”. North Dakota would join a growing number of states joining this effort, including neighboring South Dakota. We can expect hyperbolic opposition from the usual suspects, like the American Civil Liberties Association, but when the 10 commandments were readily found in American classrooms, education outcomes were vastly better. The more common sense in classrooms the better.

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