By Scott Hennen
Host of “What’s On Your Mind?” Radio Show
heard on the Flag Family Network including KTGO 1090AM in Watford City, Williston and Tioga, North Dakota
Nothing in North Dakota is more important to our economy than agriculture and energy. Period. That is why the work of the North Dakota Public Service Commission, led by Commissioners Chairman Randy Christman, Sheri Haugen-Hoffart and temporary member Timothy Dawson, is so vital to our future. The commission is considering a permit request from Summit Carbon Solutions to build 333 miles in North Dakota, part of a 2,000 mile, $8.5 billion project in five states, to transport captured carbon dioxide from ethanol plants to North Dakota for underground sequestration and eventually, enhanced oil recovery.
Every major player in North Dakota production agriculture and in the coal, ethanol, oil and gas industries support this project. They also warn us that without it, markets for North Dakota’s ag & energy industries will fade away. Lynn Helms, one of the most respected industry regulators in America, says North Dakota’s oil and gas production will be in “terminal decline” without carbon capture solutions. The impact on North Dakota jobs, education, roads and bridges and flood protection projects would be incalculable.
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