By Scott Hennen
Host of “What’s On Your Mind?” Radio Show heard on KTGO-1090AM and KFYR-550AM
Co-owner of Flag Family Media and the McKenzie County Farmer
I predict that President Joe Biden will be defeated in November of 2024. That is assuming he will be the Democratic candidate. It would not surprise me if he finds a way out. The numbers don’t lie and Biden’s poll numbers are dismal for an incumbent President. A CNN poll says Two-thirds (66 percent) of all Americans say a Biden victory would either be a setback or a disaster for the country. Just a third of Americans say that Biden winning in 2024 would be a step forward or a triumph for the country (33 percent). And things are getting worse not better. The CNN poll also finds a decline in favorable views of Biden over the past six months, from 42 percent in December to 35 percent now. How could it possibly be worse than that? Well the same survey showed Biden’s approval rating for handling the presidency at 40 percent, among the lowest for any first-term president since Dwight Eisenhower at this point in their term. That’s a body blow of horrible news for Team Biden-Harris. Why are thing this bad for them? To quote the famed Democrat political consultant, James Carville, “It’s the economy, stupid!” The economy is always a major factor in Presidential elections. That’s a major problem for Biden and his supporters. Biden gave a speech on the economy recently and proudly boasted that “Bidenomics is working.” That’s a whopper of a lie. Working for who? Under “Bidenomics” savings are down, real wages are down, and economic confidence is down.