By Scott Hennen
Host of “What’s On Your Mind?” Radio Show heard on KTGO-1090AM and KFYR-550AM
Co-owner of Flag Family Media and the McKenzie County Farmer
With just 20 words the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump, removed any doubt of his future plans. “In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for President of the United States,” he said. I was monitoring the on-line reaction while listening to the speech.
His Democrat critics didn’t let him finish before they lashed out. President Joe Biden tweeted “Donald Trump failed America.” Senator Elizabeth Warren, the ultra-liberal Senator from Massachusetts, said “We’ve defeated him before. We’ll defeat him again.” New York Governor Kathy Hochul made a bold prediction during the speech tweeting “New Yorkers rejected Donald Trump and his extreme agenda before-and we’ll do it again in 2024.” There is plenty more where those came from. The theme is quite obvious. Donald Trump is living rent free in the heads of most Democrats.
Their vitriol directed at him has no limits. Why don’t they just ignore him? Or they could welcome him as the Republican nominee so the Democrats would have, as they claim, an easy win. My take, is most of Trump’s critics fear him because they actually worry about him as a political foe. The political world has no equal.