By Patrice Bumstead
General Manager of McKenzie County Media LLC
Farmer Editor
In my world, Christmas is not just one or two days. It’s an entire season. One that my loving family convinces me to wait to begin until after Thanksgiving. But, most years I am often struck with the Christmas Season bug well before that.
To me, everything Christmas brings joy. Not because of the “presents” we receive, but because we can choose to be more present in each moment life brings to us. And in my experience, more often than not, throughout the season people put aside their political, religious and other differences and just sort of co-exist as humans.
I have found that even the saddest of people tend to light up when a stranger simply says “I hope you have a Merry Christmas,” or “Happy Holidays” in passing. A genuine display of thoughtfulness can change a persons perspective in a single moment.
The Christmas Season is met with kindness. As I observe others, I notice that they tend to see the world around them in a different light. People’s thoughts become geared to how they can be of service to their fellow human. They come together in the spirit of giving back, donating items to clothing, food and toy drives.