Butterflies. I forgot to tell you my dog also chases butterflies. And field mice. But again, he’s good company.
We ranch near a small town. Very small. Two people. I suppose that would qualify Joe and Karen as one of the smallest towns in the world. They operate the Reva store.
Oh yes, it’s a small town but it has a store. You can buy pretty much anything you need at the store. You can buy lick tubs for your cows, or a push-up for your grandkids. You can buy a pair of gloves for fencing, or a clove of garlic for a hotdish. You can purchase gasoline for your car and diesel for your pickup. A jug of milk. No problem. Cup of coffee. You got it.
If you need electrolytes for a scouring calf, go to the store. A can of sardines. It’s there. Antibiotic for a calf that’s got a cold, it’s there.
Oh, and did I mention if you would enjoy a cold beer on a hot afternoon, it’s there too.
Now, I haven’t lived in the neighborhood long. I’m an old guy, but a newcomer to the area. So I dang sure didn’t want to get on the wrong side of the proprietor. I asked if I could give them a check and set up a line of credit, so whoever was checking cows could buy something there if needed.
Joe said he would have to consult with the bookkeeper and see if that was possible. Karen came out and I explained what I wanted to do. She replied, “Why don’t you just charge it? Everyone else does.” I asked what was needed to set up a line of credit. She said, “Your address.” Now that is easy.
Now, if you go into the store, you’ll notice it has a booth. One booth. And at the booth are several well-worn decks of cards. And a couple of cribbage boards. And, especially in the winter, chances are there will be a cribbage game going on if you stop in to pick up your mail. Did I mention it is also the post office?
And occasionally you may interrupt a pinochle game if you happen to stop for a snack while headed for The Hills.
Last week, I was the lone customer one afternoon. I was having a bottle of beer and I explained to Joe and Karen, if they would have “happy hour” from three to five, business would be much brisker. Their response was that they had ran the store for 32 years. And that I had been there five days, and was trying to tell them how to run their business!
But danged if next time I stopped. Joe had a two-for-one deal. But the first one cost twice as much as it used to!