Yesterday morning, as I was visiting with a neighbor, he inquired what my plans this Sunday morning were. When I told him Shirley and I would be attending the world famous Slope County Fair and Rodeo in Amidon, he replied that “I was the fairest man he knew!”
Many do not know that the Slope County Fair is the longest continually running fair in the state. Ninety-two years! Congratulations!
Which brings us to today’s lesson.
I enjoy the 4-H show and sale. Always have. And the kids and leaders in Slope County do an outstanding job.
And that brings us to the chickens. Chickens raise a lot of questions. Why did the chicken cross the road? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? How many eggs in a three-egg omelet?
Now, Shirley grew up on a ranch in the Killdeer Mountains. She can halter break a colt, sew up a cow, or pull a backwards calf. I’ve seen her remove a cancerous eye from a cow, do a Caesarean on a cow, and bring a nearly dead calf back to life. But evidently, they did not have many chickens.
I remember many years ago when her sister called with a question, “How many eggs a day does a chicken have?”
She called Lee, a wise and knowing neighbor. “How many eggs a day do your chickens have?” Lee told her, “Six.”
It wasn’t until after a lengthy argument and the wagering of several dollars, that the truth came out. You may be interested to know that a chicken only has one egg per day. Shirley, upon losing this friendly wager, called Lee up and expressed her indignation at his misinformation.
“Lee, you said your chickens have six eggs a day, and I lost a bet because they only have one!”
“We have six chickens,” Lee informed her.
Well meanwhile back at Amidon, the first exhibit to be sold was a chicken. This budding young livestock entrepreneur carried the Grand Champion chicken into the ring. The auctioneer explained that the successful bidder could either take this chicken, or wait a few days and a dressed chicken of similar quality, ready for the freezer or oven, would be delivered to them.
The bidding was intense, $20, $40, $50, $100, $150, $175! Sold.
Then Shirley asked me why the chicken would be harvested. I had to explain that this is what happens to chickens. That is how you get those chicken dinners that you buy at Dan’s or Ken’s or Wal-Mart, or wherever. They do not come in that little plastic container or that sack until someone puts them in there.
“But,” she argued, “Since it was the Grand Champion, why wouldn’t you take it home and get eggs!”
“Honey,” I explained, “I know you are a little weak on chicken stuff, but it is a rooster!”
She took it like a champion. “That explains why I am not in management,” she replied.