In our business, we travel quite a bit. We deliver equipment in the oil field. It helps support our cow, farming, whiskey, and pinochle habits. In the course of these travels, we get a real glimpse of America. From the Canadian line to south and west Texas.
We have seen Killdeer go from a sleepy little cow town to a hub of truck activity 24 hours a day. Years ago, we fought a hard fight to keep the state from building a truck route around the west side of Watford on Highway 85. We did not want to divert the business away from Watford’s main street. Now, as I go through Watford, I wonder about my judgment. Driving from Williston to Dickinson in the winter can be a challenge. If it is icy, you will probably see a half dozen vehicles in the ditch. The Stanley area is maybe worse. Traveling through New Town is one long convoy of tanker trucks.
I just got home from another Texas trip. Only one traffic fine, so I would label it as a success.
The trip to Texas is long, but usually pretty enjoyable. You can follow the progress of the winter wheat crop in the fall and spring. You can follow harvest in the fall. Check on the alfalfa cuttings in Nebraska as the summer progresses.
And you can see a lot of different billboards.
Now as you cross Kansas and Oklahoma, I guess you are in the Bible belt. The radio stations are pretty much evangelistic preachers. There are more churches than bars along the road. I guess that is all right, but don’t leave anything lying in your pickup if you stop to eat or spend the night there. I think some of these people are materialistic. There are many billboards advertising one church or another. I grew up in a small town. Catholics and Lutherans. And I guess maybe a smattering of Baptists. About the only difference I could tell was that as a Catholic, I could go to confession. A way out.
Anyway, as you travel through the Bible belt you see an occasional sign touting a “Gentleman’s Club.” Now, although you may disagree with me, I consider myself a gentleman. I open the door for ladies. If I burp at the table, I excuse myself. If I’m really dressing up, I clip my nose and ear hair! Paints an awful picture, doesn’t it.
But as I tired of driving, I thought a bit of gentlemanly conversation would be good for my soul. I tell you, it cost several dollars to get into a “Gentleman’s Club.” And I think honestly, I was the only gentleman in there! It turned out there were young ladies dancing in there. And…Well….They weren’t doing a waltz or a polka. And I really doubt if they could even do the chicken dance! It was disgusting! I gave them a few dollars so they could afford more clothes.
Then as I was nearing Houston, I saw a billboard that I thought was rather unique advertising. Evidently, it is illegal to advertise nude or exotic dancers. Now don’t get upset, I didn’t stop! I am an old man. But this sign brought a smile to my gentlemanly face. The sign advertised “Fabric- Free Dancers!” You have to admire originality.