I follow The Ranchers regularly. The Ranchers are from Buffalo, S.D. The Harding County Ranchers. I’ve told you about Harding County before. The windswept plains of northwest South Dakota. Sagebrush, clay buttes, strong grass, strong people, cowboys, cowgirls, and oh, yeah…athletes.
Nearly every year they are in the state football finals. This year they were in the state football finals in their division. A week later, the volleyball team was at state. And many of their young athletes go on to attend area colleges.
Met a grad of the Ranchers’ program yesterday. Jerrel plays football for the Dickinson Blue Hawks. Their team had just returned from a loss in the NAIA national football playoffs. They had gotten back to Dickinson at 3 a.m. I imagine it was their first day away from the football field in many months.
When I met Jerrel, he and his teammates were out for milk and cookies at a place where I sometimes play pinochle! So, I’m just letting his parents know that he is all right!
I travel a lot. Not for fun. To supplement my ranching habit. A week ago, I was in Houston. That’s south of here. This week, I was in Grand Junction, Colo. That’s southwest of here. But I pretty much do my traveling behind the wheel of a pickup.
I don’t care for flying. Used to not mind it much, but when the lines got longer, the waits longer, and the chairs harder, it started to lose its appeal. And besides that, the seats in an airplane are not designed for a three- hundred-pound man! And I always get seated next to a fat guy.
Now, a lot of people are complaining because they might have to go through a scanner when they fly. And someone, some stranger sitting in a room somewhere, will see a computer image of their naked body on a computer screen. These people are talking of staging some kind of slow- down to create a national slowdown of the airline industry. I’ve some breaking news for you, people! The airline industry is already slowed down! They don’t need you.
I think the people that worry about someone seeing an image of them on a computer screen need more to worry about. I would much rather have someone groan when they see a naked fat man on the screen than be blown out of the air by some lunatic!
But wait, Shirley just hollered to me that you can opt out for a pat down! A pat down by another person. Where they take their hands and run them all over your body! I’ve got to run, I’m can still make the early flight out of here. I’m just going to fly to Denver and back! Can be back for chores tonight and get two free pat downs!