By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
This weekend will mark a big day for the 2022 graduating classes from Watford City and Alexander high schools as the seniors make their way across the stage to receive their diplomas.
For a high school senior, graduation time marks a very significant milestone in their lives. It marks the culmination of 12 years of study, participation in extracurricular school activities, learning to be independent, as well as forming friendships.
But more importantly, high school graduation marks their official passage into becoming an adult and taking their high school education to the next level of their life. For some of this year’s high school graduates, that means attending college to further their education. For others, it may mean entering the military or seeking their first full-time job.
High school graduation programs are filled with student commencement speeches challenging the students to dream big and urging them to use the tools that they have acquired in school to be an important part of society.