By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
This is the time of the year when many newspapers, like the McKenzie County Farmer, publish letters to Santa written by children who believe that Santa Claus will soon be speeding to their homes to deliver just what they want for Christmas. Sometimes, these young boys and girls ask for toys and games. But sometimes, they ask for something that is far more serious. They ask for the safe return of a mother or father who is serving in the military. Or they ask for the return of a lost pet. Or that a loved one recover from an illness. They write these letters with the full faith that Santa Claus is indeed real and that he will answer their pleas.
But at some point in growing up, youngsters begin to doubt in the reality of Santa Claus. Maybe it’s something that they have heard from their friends or parents. And at that moment, they reach out for the truth.