By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
There are many things that parents think about as they are raising their children such as will they make good friends, study hard in school and find a job that they like. And somewhere along the way, we hope that they will find that one special person who they choose to spend the rest of their life with. And hopefully the start of a family of their own.
But the one thing that parents never think about is that one day they will become empty nesters when their children finally leave home for good.
Well this past weekend, I guess Lisa and I can officially claim that we are empty nesters as we attended the wedding of our second son, Jason, to the love of his life, Kalli DeVries, in Longmont, Colo.
For Jason it was love at first sight when they were introduced by a mutual friend at a Halloween Party when Jason was attending the University of Mary seven years ago. And apparently Kalli felt the same way as she stuck with him through his four years of veterinary school at Colorado State University and his two years of being a veterinarian in Rapid City, S.D.