By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
This Thursday, we continue to share a tradition of giving thanks that dates back to 1621 as we observe Thanksgiving. We all know the story behind why we, as Americans, celebrate Thanksgiving. History tells of how the Pilgrims beat the odds by making it across the ocean to the New World, which would one day become the United States of America. But they also carved out their new homes in the wilderness, and then through the generosity and kindness of their Indian neighbors, they were able to learn to raise crops and begin a new life. Those Pilgrims had every reason to be thankful for their very existence. And each year, after harvest, they gave thanks for the bounties that they had received.
Today, as the United States deals with the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, one has to wonder what Thanksgiving will look like considering that the government is calling for people not to travel and not to have large family gatherings in order to slow the spread of the virus.
Like the days of the Pilgrims, these are difficult times. Families have seen the loss of loved ones and friends from the virus. Likewise, we have seen co-workers, neighbors, family members and friends hospitalized or quarantined because of the virus. We have seen businesses and industries struggle to remain financially solvent during this pandemic. And we’ve seen people lose their jobs when businesses and industries were forced to go out of business.
Like the Pilgrims, we have to remain hopeful that better days are ahead for all of us. We have to believe that a vaccine is just around the corner that will help allow all of us return to a normal life.
And we have to be thankful, as hard as it may be, for what we do have.
If you are looking for a great way to kick off the upcoming Christmas holiday season, then you won’t want to miss Watford City’s annual Parade of Lights, which will be happening on Main Street this Friday evening.
Over the years, Mother Nature has smiled on the city’s kick-off celebration with mild temperatures, which has provided everyone with a very pleasant evening for enjoying the festivities and browsing through the stores. And this year’s weather forecast calls for a perfect evening of above normal temperatures, which will provide a wonderful opportunity to watch the parade and to browse through the local stores.
Watford City merchants, the Chamber of Commerce, and a host of other special groups have always done a great job of sponsoring special events in the community throughout the holiday season. But one of my favorites is the Parade of Lights, which fills the sidewalks with friends and family as they enjoy the colorful floats.
So this year be a part of the start of a great holiday season in Watford City by taking in the Parade of Lights.