By Neal A. Shipman
Farmer Editor
While many McKenzie County voters have already voted in the Nov. 6 General Election by either absentee or vote by mail ballots, the vast majority of county residents will be doing their civic duty when they head to the polls on Tuesday to cast their ballots.
For McKenzie County residents, this election will be asking voters to make their choices of whom they would like to serve them the next four years on the McKenzie County Board of County Commissioners, as the McKenzie County Sheriff, and as the McKenzie County Recorder.
In addition to these highly-contested races in the county, local voters, along with other state residents, will be asked to choose whom they will want to serve them in the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as several state office races, and whether or not to pass four statewide measures, including the controversial Measure No. 3, which would legalize recreational marijuana in North Dakota.
Voting is the most important role that citizens have in setting the direction that they want to see happen in government. The person that voters choose to represent them is the person that ultimately will be determining how much you pay in taxes, what programs and services are going to be offered by the government, and how well they will carry the voters’ concerns into office.
As a democracy, it is the voters who decide who will serve them in office. And that is why each and every vote is important.
So on Tuesday, Nov. 6, I encourage every county resident to take the time to go to the polls and make their choices.
In McKenzie County, the three polling centers, which are located in the Watford City City Hall, Mandaree Community Center and the Cartwright Hall, will be open for voting from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. (CT). In order to vote, voters will be required to produce an ID, which can include a valid N.D. driver’s license, a valid N.D. non-driver’s ID, a tribal government issued identification, or a long-term care certificate provided by a North Dakota facility.
If you are looking for a fun and safe place to take your children trick or treating for Halloween this year, there won’t be a better place to do it than on Watford City’s Main Street.
As has been done in the past, Watford City businesses will be doling out candy and other treats to all children from 3 to 5 p.m. An added safety bonus this year is that Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic during those hours to ensure that parents won’t have to worry about their children as they dart from business to business and cross the street.
So, this Halloween, have your children join the thousands of other youngsters who will be having a spooky good time in Watford City.